Honoring the greats, the puppet masters.

We just spent five days at gorgeous Mount Tremper Arts, in an intensive residency retreat. The goal was to come out of that time with a road map for a fully-fledged evening-length version of Fox vs. Kingdom. Along the way, we got to witness a meteor shower, eat brussel sprouts picked at midnight from the garden, lay out scores of hand-made index cards all over the studio, and spend much too much time laughing. Just before we arrived, we had gotten some good news: the Jim Henson Foundation has given us a grant… which gave us an added boost and an additional reason to celebrate this fertile time!

We did it, we have our road-map, and now it’s time to build a lot of puppets and make some joyful noise with them. Onwards my dear collaborators Laura Brenneman, Anastacia Bolina, Scott Bolman and Kyra Miller (who has agreed to be our dramaturg!).

In case you missed this pic from Instagram, I share it here: honoring the greats (Henson) while making dinner…
